From L.A. Times:
Finally, we think we see light at the end of the Iraq tunnel. Over the weekend, the Iraqi Cabinet approv
Finally, we think we see light at the end of the Iraq tunnel. Over the weekend, the Iraqi Cabinet approved a plan hammered out by the government of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki and U.S. officials to restrict U.S. combat operations starting Jan. 1, pull American troops out of cities by June and withdraw from the country entirely by the end of 2011. The Iraqi parliament started debating the pact Monday and, with luck, will approve it next week. The timetable is too long for Iraqis who would like to see the full devolution of sovereignty in December, when the U.N. mandate governing the U.S. presence ends, and too imperfect for those who fear what will happen when U.S. troops leave. Nonetheless, although President Bush long opposed it, there is a timetable at last, and one that could mark the beginning of the end of the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
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