Election Night Results So Far: Common Sense On Guns ConfirmedIt's gonna get worse before it gets better. And it will get louder and more raucous, more in-your-face and bolder. We'll see the statists show even less grace in victory than they do in defeat. That's what spiritually ugly people do.
I do wonder though, how many of our "leaders" will hold to the conviction that our hope for change is exclusively the province of majority rule, or if rallying cries for resistance will emanate from more polite quarters than, say, here...?
Or are we going to continue down the path of caving on principle, disparaging those who won't, and surrendering to the perceived least offensive compromiser...?
Seems to me, now is the time to send the GOP a message, loud and clear: This is what happens when you abandon core principles. If you intend to regain center stage, you're going to need to actually become leaders in liberty.
That is, if you believe it's not too late, or if there's any chance such a message will get through and be taken to heart.
There is one unintended consequence to all this: Look for fear to become a potent tool for increasing "gun lobby" membership rolls. Thing is, we need to ask ourselves how much of that leadership deserves the windfall, and if it'll do anything besides solidify some cushy gigs.