John Dyke never thought he'd be parting with the two guns he uses for target practice. But safety trumped pleasure, so he turned in his weapons to the Broward Sheriff's Office during their buy-back program...Quite simply put, John, I do not believe you. I don't believe you're really that stupid. And if you're not someone with an agenda, I almost pity you.
And yeah, Lt. David Holmes--I'm sure those are all "illegal guns" you're getting "off the street." I'm sure "the entire community" is now at considerably less "risk."
And leave it to the "Authorized Journalists" at CBS 4 to add their editorial bias and gin up the hysteria.

Enough to fill an entire table!
That's it? That's news?
I guess it does let them get their intended message across:
40 weapons have been collected. That's 40 fewer chances for a tragedy to strike.That it's also 40 fewer chances for a citizen to protect themselves isn't even given mention. What a preposterous idea!
After all, only the "Only Ones" are qualified to possess guns, particularly lying anti-gun "Only Ones" from the Broward County Sheriff's Department.
Lying anti-gun "Only Ones" from the Broward County Sheriff's department who spent time in the federal pen, that is...parasites who are still trying to find a way to reattach to the body of their host.
Yeah, these guys are just plain better than you and me.
And certainly better than John Dyke.