Pentagon Prepares for First Wartime Transition
in 40 Years -- Voice Of America
in 40 Years -- Voice Of America
The current presidential transition in Washington is the first during wartime since 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson handed the reins of power to President Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War. That is particularly significant at the Defense Department's headquarters, the Pentagon. VOA's Al Pessin reports on preparations being made to ensure that key officials of the new administration are ready to take control of the world's most powerful military the moment Barrack Obama takes office on January 20.
Pentagon Spokesman Bryan Whitman took reporters on a tour of offices set up for the Obama Pentagon transition team.
"There are actually three kind of large areas like this," he said. "We've got computers set up, telephones set up, basic supplies, ready for folks to commence doing some work. You know, we're ready at any time."
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More News On The Obama Transition
DoD outlines transition preparations -- Navy Times
Who's At The Top Of Obama's Schedule? -- NPR
US braces for wartime presidential transition --
Pentagon prepares for wartime transition -- CNN
Bush Warns of Vulnerability in a Transition -- New York Times
Bush Promises Smooth White House Transition - Voice of America
Bush Urges Support So Terrorists Can’t Exploit Transition Period - AFPS
Bush to Meet with Obama Monday - Washington Times
Bush Team Lays Ground for Obama Foreign Policy - Washington Times
Political Experts Say Obama Faces Major Challenges - Voice of America
Names surface for top Obama administration jobs -- Yahoo News/AP
Commentary, Editorials, And Opinion
Obama and the Asian World -- Michelle Grattan, The Age
Obama and Medvedev: A Lot to Prove -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
American Power and the Obama Presidency - United Press International
Obama Will Ask More of Europe -- Con Coughlin, Daily Telegraph
World Leaders Vie to be Friends with Obama - The Times
Harper, Obama Find 'Common Ground' - Toronto Star
Taking a World View of Obama's Election - Washington Times
Obama Needs a Strong Foreign Policy -- Will Marshall, Wall Street Journal
Obama's Foreign Policy More of the Same -- Marcus Gee, Globe & Mail
No Obama Effect in the Middle East -- The Economist
Obama Faces 1930s Era Challenges -- Yoram Ettinger, Ynet News
Rahm Emanuel and Israel -- David Kenner, Foreign Policy
Watching Obama from Tehran -- Meir Javedanfar, Pajamas Media
Europe's Mania for a Black US President -- Ian Buruma, Japan Times
Can Brown Be Obama's Tony Blair? -- Steve Richards, The Independent
Obama's Foreign Policy Picks -- David Milne, Los Angeles Times
New World Order -- The Times
Obama's Foreign Policy Picks -- Los Angeles Times
Obama Needs a Strong Foreign Policy -- Wall Street Journal
The Global Grand Bargain -- Foreign Policy
Obama's Russia Test -- Wall Street Journal
Obama's World -- The Hindu
Obama's Russia Test -- Wall Street Journal
Will Obama Adjust Iraq Timetable? - Brian Bennett, Time
Previous Posts
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Day One: Obama Faces A Cold War Threat And A Warning From Israel
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