Rosy Future For Navy's Troubled Shoreline
Fighters? -- The Danger Room
Fighters? -- The Danger Room
Saturday, at a ceremony in Wisconsin, the Navy commissioned USS Freedom, the first of 55 planned Littoral Combat Ships. "An innovative combatant designed to operate quickly in shallow water environments to counter challenging threats in coastal regions, specifically mines, submarines and fast surface craft," is how the Navy puts it.
"Innovative" is right: The ship can accelerate from zero to 40 knots in just a couple minutes -- and navigate waters as shallow as 20 feet. Using manned and unmanned helicopters plus different plug-and-play "mission modules," LCS can perform anti-submarine, counter-mine or surface-warfare missions.
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My Comment: The problem with Littoral Combat Ships is not the technology .... but the costs. This is a good article to read.