From Yahoo News/AFP:
JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israel's military intelligence chief has said the time could be right for Washington to open a dialogue with Tehran as a means to halt Iran's nuclear drive, media reported on Tuesday.
"Dialogue with Iran is not necessarily negative. It it fails, it will lead to the strengthening of sanctions," said the intelligence chief, General Amos Yadlin, quoted by Haaretz.
"Dialogue is not appeasement," he said.
Top Israeli officials have in the past warned against Washington engaging in any form of dialogue with the Islamic republic and insisted a military option should not be ruled out.
But the election of Barack Obama to the US presidency has set the stage to increase international pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear aspirations, Yadlin said.
"Iran will do anything not to be cornered in the position of Iraq or North Korea," he said at a lecture in honour of late military chief of staff Moshe Dayan.
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My Comment: This Israeli Intelligence chief is either very confident about the information that he has .... or he is dreaming. What do I think ..... Iran has publicly stated that it is a duty and a matter of national security to develop it's nuclear technologies .... and that's it.
I believe in what Iran is saying .... not what an Israeli chief hopes will be the result when Obama becomes President.