(Photo from Image Reference Database)
From Strategy Page:
November 17, 2008: Many critical military events never get much publicity. Sometimes it's because they involve espionage; often it's because, well, the media never really gets interested. Here are ten (in alphabetical order) you should at least be aware of:
1. Anti-Terrorism Operations. Oh, sure, you hear about this in the news, but never in detail. And it's the details that make or break these efforts. A lot of the effort is plain old detective work - a lot of stakeouts, many interviews with suspects, or their friends, family or neighbors. Even more underground are the electronic operations (bugging terrorist e-mail, phone calls) and crypto (breaking secret codes used on phone calls and e-mail.) All this work is very expensive, and if the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. decide to shift their resources elsewhere, you won't see it in the news. You will see, months down the line, an increase in successful terrorist attacks.
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My Comment: A good list. Puts the limelight on issues and news that we rarely hear about, but have (or will have) an enormous impact on all of us.