built with North Korean help. Photo: AFP
From Threatswatch:
I don’t know about you, but I am tiring rapidly of what I call the ElBaradei policy initiatives. Latest case in point, the friction over his insistance that Syria be allowed to pursue nuclear technology. What is it with this man and state sponsors of terrorism being “innocent until proven guilty”?
The Syrian request was harmless, he said.
“This project did not parachute out of the sky. We have been working with Syria since 1979 with a view to introducing nuclear power. Thirty years!” he said. “All the equipment that is provided is relevant to the project, and is of an innocuous nature. None of it requires any [nuclear] safeguards.”
Above all, ElBaradei said the Western pressure reflected poorly on the agency’s independence.
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My Comment: Oh brother .... and this organization is the recipient of the Nobel Prize.