ABC News:
Captured Gunman Says Only 10 of 24 Were Sent to Mumbai; Concern for New Delhi
The lone gunman captured alive in Mumbai has told interrogators only 10 of the 24 young men in his year-long terrorist training course were sent to Mumbai last week, leaving 14 still in Pakistan, ready to strike again, law enforcement and security sources tell
Security officials say they have been warned by Indian and U.S. officials that a second attack on the Indian capital city New Delhi is possible.
U.S. officials say the captured gunman's account corroborates other intelligence that points to the role of the Pakistani-based Lashkar e Taiba, a group affiliated with al Qaeda that opposes Indian rule over the disputed state of Kashmir.
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My Comment: This is a time where everyone is nervous. Because everyone knows that another terrorist attack would inflame the situation to an almost war condition with Pakistan.