Nigeria Forces Impose Peace After Deadly Riots -- CNN
JOS, Nigeria (CNN) -- Calm returned to Jos on Monday as hordes of police and military personnel descended on the central Nigerian city to enforce order after three days of deadly Christian-Muslim riots.
Authorities imposed a 24-hour curfew on some parts of the city and a dusk-to-dawn curfew in the rest.
As day broke, people milled about and surveyed the damage from the riots. Burned-out buildings, mosques and churches greeted them. Several families were seen leaving the city, with belongings in tow.
"It's pretty clear they are definitely trying to keep the lid on things," said CNN's Christian Purefoy, who visited the area.
A local religious leader told CNN Sunday that more than 340 people have been killed in the three days of fighting. The central mosque in the city said it alone buried 209 people.
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