From ABC News:
Outlaw Lifestyle Catching Up with Al Qaeda Leader?
In the years following the September 11th 2001 attacks, Osama bin Laden seemed very eager to appear on camera releasing numerous Al Qaeda propaganda videos. For the last 18 months, however, his public messages have been audio only, like the tape posted on the internet Wednesday. Between the threats and the rhetoric on this tape, however, one can also hear that bin Laden is quite short of breath for a man who is just 52 years old, suggesting a possible health issue.
"This is the first real indication that we've had of a bin Laden health problem," said John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer and ABC News consultant. "There have been rumors for years, but this is really the first solid evidence that there's some sort of problem with his health."
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My Comment: Osama Bin Laden has been "homeless" since 2001. Anyone who is "homeless" for a long period of time will always suffer from health effects. The only surprise is that it has taken this long for Osama Bin Laden.