Has The War On Terror Been The Most Successful Military Campaign In U.S. History?.

It's Official: War on Terror Is the Most Successful Military Campaign In US History -- Gateway Pundit

Before President George W. Bush leaves office it's only fitting to give credit to where credit it due. Although you would not know this from the anti-Bush media or democrats, the US military has waged the most successful major military campaign in American history these past 8 years.

The War on Terror has been an amazing success not only in what has been accomplished but in what it has cost in lives. Two brutal regimes were obliterated, Al-Qaeda was decimated, fledgling democracies were established. But, most importantly, the US was able to do this while sacrificing the fewest number of soldiers monthly than in any other military campaign in US history.

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My Comment: A waaaayyyy too optimistic viewpoint on the war of terror. As far as I am concern ... victory in Iraq is not a sure thing, and NATO and the Afghan Government are losing against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda may be nurtured, but many more terrorist groups and their affiliates have spawn since 9/11.

Military casualties may be down when compared to other conflicts ..... but one successful terrorist strike can blow these statistics completely out of the water. In addition, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran .... a conflict with any of these countries (because of a terrorist strike that has been linked to them) can produce tens of thousands of military casualties in a very short period of time.

If we are to thump our chests for victory, let a few more years past before we can make these conclusions.

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