Nigerians Want Oil On Road To Peace -- CNN
Oil profits and poverty have mixed in Nigeria to deadly effect where multinational companies collide with locals living on less than $1 a day. CNN's Christian Purefoy visits the town of Rumuekpe where some locals have taken up arms, while others look for different solutions.
RUMUEKPE, Nigeria (CNN) -- Residents of this small town in Nigeria's oil-rich delta region fled after fighting over scant resources reduced their homes to rubble and turned their neighbors into foes.
As we approached an outpost on the outskirts of town a group of armed Nigerians at the makeshift roadblock fired warning shots.
Guarding one of the many creeks in the thick jungle here, the eight young men and boys have taken up arms against their government and multinational oil companies.
After negotiations, the young men -- calling themselves the Rumuekpe Youth Council -- allowed us to enter but kept a tight grip on their weapons.
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My Comment: Nigeria has only two industries that are known throughout the world. Its oil industry .... and its fraud/scam businesses.
What I find amazing is that both of them are still running at full speed.
Nigeria is a pot of different cultures, tribes, and religions. Almost all of them have some beef with the other .... and the oil wealth is now only exacerbating a terrible situation into something that is worse.
The central government will impose their control over these gangs .... but like most of the countries in Africa .... their existing political, cultural, and economic structures all but guarantees poverty and misery.