From Plug Nickel Times, via email:
I submit this is the difference between a hireling, a mere employee with no vested interests other than his own, and an engaged sovereign citizen.
Too bad the manager didn't hear the exchange. The clerk deserved to be fired.
A lot of hirelings do. But somehow, I don't think the new management expects them to be all that customer-friendly.
Hello David,
No big deal - I just thought you might find this telling and even funny (in a sense).
I'd written you earlier about a visit of mine to a Walmart a couple weeks ago where they were pretty low on common caliber ammo. Today in a different store and different town I was at another Walmart. This time the shelves were almost bare. Apart from some 50rd boxes of .22 - there weren't more than a few dozen boxes of ammo on the whole shelving unit! (none in common calibers)
I asked him with a straight face if they planned on restocking. He assured me that they did - but he wasn't sure when. He seemed to think that in a month or so they'd be back up to full stock.
He went into a rant from there - saying that it was all the fault of people being fearful of the latest regime - panic buying, etc. I thought it was kinda' funny and encouraged him to take a more optimistic view of the matter but he'd have none of it!
I didn't decide to use the title "Plug Nickel Times" for nothing - but from a certain perspective it is kinda' funny to see all that ammo and armament flying off the shelves. It's a helluva' message - restless peasants and all.
What would Ceausescu do? What would Machiavelli have advised?
(was it?)Mel Brooks - "gads - those peasants _are_ revolting!"
I submit this is the difference between a hireling, a mere employee with no vested interests other than his own, and an engaged sovereign citizen.
Too bad the manager didn't hear the exchange. The clerk deserved to be fired.
A lot of hirelings do. But somehow, I don't think the new management expects them to be all that customer-friendly.