(Photo from The Long War Journal)
From The Long War Journal:
This article was originally published at The Weekly Standard under the title Going Fishing?
On Wednesday, Bob Woodward of The Washington Post reported a bit of old news that was dressed up as something new. Susan Crawford, the convening authority of military commissions, said that Mohammed al Qahtani (the would-be 20th hijacker on September 11) was tortured while in U.S. custody and that is why she did not move forward with his trial at Guantánamo. The story of Qahtani's interrogation has long been known, but that did not stop Woodward's article from making a splash.
Human rights groups and critics of Guantánamo quickly trumpeted Crawford's "admission." The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) took it a step further, claiming in a press release that the charges against another Guantánamo detainee, Abd al Rahim Hussain Mohammed al Nashiri, should be dropped. The ACLU and Nashiri's lawyers argue that because Nashiri was waterboarded, he too should not be tried at Guantánamo.
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My Comment: If this terrorist goes free .... this will be an indictment on the entire U.S. political and legal system. For President Obama, this will be wrapped around him like an albatros for the rest of his Presidency.