From Haaretz:
A high-ranking officer who served in a key role in the Israel Defense Forces' Southern Command during the IDF operation in the Gaza Strip has said that Israel missed an opportunity to defeat Hamas.
Brig. Gen. Zvi Fogel, who served as Southern Command artillery commander during the Gaza campaign told Haaretz Tuesday that he thought Israel had "lost a historic opportunity to defeat Hamas" when it decided not to broaden the offensive in the Gaza Strip. He also noted that a forceful response is essential in reaction to Tuesday's killing of an IDF tracker, explaining that absent such a response, the IDF will lose the deterrence factor that it established in the Cast Lead military campaign.
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My Comment: The General is looking at this conflict from a military point of view. His leader's were looking at this conflict from a political point of view.
The Israeli Army could have easily entered Gaza City, and after a few weeks of fighting they would have been successful. But the cost would have been a few hundred Israeli soldiers, a few thousand Palestinians, and the responsibility to take care of the mess.
Not an appetizing situation at all.