On Monday, the Sun ran a story reporting that 40 terrorists from AQIM had died of plague in a terrorist training camp in Tizi Ouzou. Yesterday, Eli Lake from the Washington Times confirmed through one of his source in the U.S. intelligence community that an incident had taken place at a training camp that had to be shut down as a result. The deaths were not confirmed though.
A few observations at this point that give credence to this story, which has not received the coverage it deserves:
1- There has been a total black out from the Algerian media that has not even mentioned one line about this story.
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More News On Al Qaeda And the Plague
Rebels Ravaged By Rumors -- Strategy Page
Al-Qaeda and The Plague -- Human Events
Update On al Qaeda’s Biological Weapon Mishap In Algeria -- Strata-Sphere
Plagues upon the land? -- Foreign Policy Blog
Who's watching Al Qaeda in the Maghreb? -- Examiner.com
Is plague still a killer? -- BBC