Breaking:52 Navy Ships Cut in New Plan -- New Wars
More fallout from the “Big Ship Only” Navy. (Couldn’t find this online, text is via Navy News Clip email, as revealed by Defense News):
But Defense News has obtained details of at least one late-year version of the plan based on an annual shipbuilding budget of $18.9 billion in 2009 dollars. While the totals for some types of ships have risen, overall the 244-ship draft plan buys 52 fewer ships then the plan submitted to Congress a year ago.
While final shipbuilding figures have not been decided and every budget line remains under review, the scheme could provide insight into some behind-the-scenes Pentagon thinking on the Navy’s future force structure.
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My Comment: I remember when President Reagan made it a goal to have a 600 ship navy. Sigh .... that was a long time ago.