What amazes me is how often we keep coming back and exposing these Brady shills for what they are, and that they still retain a shred of credibility with anyone. I guess it's tough to argue with someone's religion. [More]Apparently, the failures at the Brady Campaign won't be satisfied until Vermont's "gunmurder" rate works its way up to Chicago levels.
You have to admit, that would suit their purposes more than the way things are now.
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column. Hey, I hate to sound like a broken record, but the visitation stats are slipping--right now I'm in the top 5 for politics (barely), but not on the radar for all national categories. If you are a regular reader, I have to assume you get value from it. If so, would you please take a moment to share the link, maybe post it on a forum...? Or would it be easier to beg for donations so I can have an advertising budget?
I hate to harp, but if I don't, guess what will happen? And based on results, the harping has helped make this category grow and expand:
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Brady campaign to prevent democracy? (Part 3) Charlotte: ‘A new day’ for Eric Holder; for you, it’s back to ‘92 DC: Virginia Senate passes restaurant carry, rejects private gun sales ban Denver: A gun owner's worst nightmare Los Angeles: Answering the Los Angeles Times' Dana Parsons. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns St. Louis: 'Imagining gun control in America': Why the idea is imaginary, Part II