From The Washington Times:
At the European security conference in Munich this past weekend, Vice President Biden stated that the United States would "continue to develop missile defenses to counter a growing Iranian capability, provided the technology is proven to work and cost-effective."
Funny, one never hears the Iranians limit their missile program with those caveats. The Obama administration's dithering approach to missile defense is music to the ears of countries spending billions of dollars developing new missile systems, such as North Korea, Iran and Syria. The last thing they want to see is the United States develop and deploy robust defensive systems that would render their considerable investments worthless. Likewise Russia, whose main claim to global power status rests chiefly on its nuclear missile arsenal, is delighted to see the Democrats back in power with their Luddite views on anti-missile technology. The administration's pledge to also delay development on other major weapon systems is icing on the cake.
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My Comment: The White House is in denial with the success story behind the SDI program. Shooting down missiles with other missiles is just a fairy tale story to some of them .... and an expensive one at that. Listening to Vice President Biden, it seems that SDI will now be used as a bargaining tool in the diplomatic arena.