From The New York Post:
Putin's brilliantly updated totalitarianism.
WHILE Western leaders remain mired in 20th-century thinking, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of Russia has reinvented dictatorship for a new century. The new czar's creation is tolerant totalitarianism.
Putin's one brilliant insight - a revolution in political thought - is that the dictators of the past, whether ideologues or religious fanatics, didn't know where to stop. The Stalins and the Maos, the Calvins and Khomeinis, all insisted on prying into the private sphere.
Czar Vladimir grasped that a post-modern dictatorship needs to make only a single compromise to prosper: It has to halt at the front door.
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My Comment: Ralph Peters is right .... but this new type of totalitarianism is not a Russian invention. When I was in China in 1988,I was surprised to see how critical people were of the Communist regime. But this was done behind closed doors and never in public. When these protests hit the streets in 1989, the government cracked down.
The same model is being applied in Russia .... and the Russian people (including all of my relatives) are mostly in support of it .... so far.