From Times Online:
The leader of the most powerful rebel group in Darfur said that his forces will redouble their efforts to topple the Sudanese Government the moment an international arrest warrant is issued against President al-Bashir.
“When this warrant comes it is, for us, the end of Bashir's legitimacy to be President of Sudan,” Khalil Ibrahim, chairman of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), told The Times. “We will work hard to bring him down ... If he doesn't co-operate with the ICC [International Criminal Court] the war will intensify.”
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Rebels vow to topple Beshir -- News 24
Hague Court Will Pursue Sudan Leader -- New York Times
Bashir Tries to Stall Darfur Genocide Ruling -- Christian Science Monitor
Court to issue Bashir warrant ruling on March 4 -- International herald Tribune
The leader of the most powerful rebel group in Darfur said that his forces will redouble their efforts to topple the Sudanese Government the moment an international arrest warrant is issued against President al-Bashir.
“When this warrant comes it is, for us, the end of Bashir's legitimacy to be President of Sudan,” Khalil Ibrahim, chairman of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), told The Times. “We will work hard to bring him down ... If he doesn't co-operate with the ICC [International Criminal Court] the war will intensify.”
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More News On The War In Darfur/Sudan
Rebels vow to topple Beshir -- News 24
Hague Court Will Pursue Sudan Leader -- New York Times
Bashir Tries to Stall Darfur Genocide Ruling -- Christian Science Monitor
Court to issue Bashir warrant ruling on March 4 -- International herald Tribune