From Registan:
FOB MORALES-FRAZIER, AFGHANISTAN — It is interesting to hear what Kabulis think of the way their country is going. Here in Kapisa, just north and east (but a universe apart), things are rather different. Indeed, a common complaint locals raise when we suggest bad security might be why we can’t start many projects is, “oh c’mon — the Taliban are everywhere. That’s no excuse.”
Such a blasé attitude toward the prospect of random death is not easy to understand… at least from our vantage point. Indeed, I will venture a guess that a lot of the tragedy in what David is reporting is that the same choices and environment now facing Kabulis is really what far too many regular Afghans face on a regular basis. From my perspective, behind the concertina wire and hesco barricades, the contrast between mostly Pashtun and mostly Tajik areas cannot be any more stark: Nijrab Valley is glorious, lush, prosperous, and filled with well-maintained buildings. Afghaniya and Tagab Valleys have more obvious problems—there, the fields are browner, there is a noticeable lack of relative development, and driving through the people express far more fear of us.
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My Comment: The unreality of Kabul is probably an understatement. Another good post from the Registan.