How To Shoot Down A Missile

Photo: Models of mock North Korea's Scud-B missile, center left, and other South Korean missiles are displayed at the Korea War Memorial Museum in Seoul, South Korea, Feb. 22, 2009. North Korea could be ready to test-fire a missile within days as satellite imagery has shown increased activity at a missile site over the past 48 hours, according to a respected defense publication. (Ahn Young-joon/AP Photo)

U.S. Ready to Respond to N.Korea Missile -- ABC News

Admiral Keating Tells ABC News U.S. Prepared to Shoot Down Missile If Obama Gives OK

In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Martha Raddatz, Adm. Timothy Keating, head of the U.S. Pacific Commands, said that the military is prepared to shoot down any North Korean ballistic missile -- if President Obama should give the order.

"If a missile leaves the launch pad we'll be prepared to respond upon direction of the president," Keating told ABC News. "I'm not a betting man but I'd go like 60/40, 70/30 that it will, they will attempt to launch a satellite. There's equipment moving up there that would indicate the preliminary stages of preparation for a launch. So I'd say it's more than less likely."

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My Comment:President Obama will not order the shooting down of this test missile.

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