What a brilliant illusion. Surrounded by police, she creates a solid-looking mirage of standing on the side of law and order. And by centering her act on the emotionally charged issue of guns in the community, she keeps the audience's rapt attention focused right where she wants it--and away from where she does not. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explains the secrets behind an illusion performed by a Mayor Against (Your) Guns.
We also have a new GRE in Denver.
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Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Brady campaign to prevent democracy? (Part 3) Charlotte: ‘Assault weapon’ opening salvo: Levin lies to Congress DC: Virginia Senator Creigh Deeds sells out gun owners, fools gun banners Denver: A gun owner's worst nightmare Los Angeles: Answering the Los Angeles Times' Dana Parsons. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns St. Louis: 'Imagining gun control in America': Why the idea is imaginary, Part I