I concur in your Lordships proposition, so far as it goes for incorporating the three Companies of Virginia Volunteers, and forming them into a Battalion; But tho' I have a high Opinion of the conduct Merit and bravery of Capt. Thruston, in whose behalf you have interested yourself, and would wish to do him any favor, I cannot appoint him to the rank you mention. The reasons, upon reflection, I am persuaded, will readily occur to you and to him. The greatest part of the Officers and Men composing our present Army, are in the same predicament and on the same footing with these three Companies, or differ but very little. Many have been longer in Service, and coming from different States, they would not bear the distinction, or suffer it to pass without Complaining and objecting to me, a charge of partiality in favour of the Virginians. [More]
Wednesday, February 25, 2009