U.S. Warns It May Shoot Down N.Korean Missile

Photo from Javno/Reuters

From Chosun (South Korea):

The U.S. state and defense secretaries on Tuesday warned North Korea against a missile test for which the Stalinist country seems to be preparing. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters if North Korea is preparing to test-fire a ballistic missile with the continental United States considered a potential target, then the U.S. could shoot it down. But Gates added, "Since the first time that they launched the missile (in 2006) it flew for a few minutes before crashing, the range of the Taepodong-2 remains to be seen. So far, it's very short."

In a separate press conference, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "North Korea has to understand that all of the countries in East Asia have made it clear that its behavior is viewed as unacceptable."

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My Comment: President Obama will not approve this course of action. His priority is discussion and negotiation. Shooting down North Korea's missile test is appealing .... but not smart for the medium to long term. It will definitely kill any negotiation for the next few years.

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