If that were my loved one being mauled, having her face ripped off, being rended limb-from-limb, would I want to have the most effective means at my disposal to immediately save her?Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presents a thought experiment of sorts. Read the column while you listen to a real time animal attack unfold...
Or would I rather be useless, and stand shrieking and blubbering helplessly into a telephone while some government worker on the other end of the line tells me to calm down? [More]
Also in today's column: Messages from Oregon Firearms Federation, South Dakota Gun Owners, Gun Owners of America and Liberty Belles. And a link to read current issues of Guns Magazine online.
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Austin: Another Brady hallucination: More guns, more ‘gun violence’ (Part 1)
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Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
Austin: Another Brady hallucination: More guns, more ‘gun violence’ (Part 1)
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