From Time Magazine:
After months of denial and equivocation, Pakistan is officially acknowledging what India and the U.S. have long known: that last November's Mumbai terrorism attacks were planned, at least in part, on Pakistani soil. On the same day that U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke concluded a four-day visit to Pakistan, the nation on Thursday announced that it had initiated trial proceedings against eight suspects and arrested most of those involved in the Mumbai massacre. The announcement, tentatively welcomed in India, will be greeted with relief in Washington, which has been working hard to avert a confrontation and to align the governments of India and Pakistan in a common fight against extremism in the region.
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My Comment: A few arrests are not going to undo centuries of wars and conflicts. The religious and ethnic hatreds that exists between both countries will take multiple generations to overcome .... and even then I would have my doubts.
There is a present lull in the tension between the two countries, but the majority of both populations still have a hunger to go to war. The moderates who have some semblance of control still have their fingers on the trigger .... but we must always be aware that it can be quickly replaced by someone who will be eager to use it.