A Willing Slave

[A] bloodlust for killing...pompous enough to call it self-defense...a phallic substitute... [More]
Good grief. There's a whole lotta stupid going on here, inside Madison J. Gray's confused and angry skull.

And nope, "dope dealers" don't scare me, child. Seriously. Really. If you think they do, you have no idea what the score is, and seeing as how you're my enemy, that's a good thing. I want you to be as ignorant as possible, and in truth, you exceed all hopes.

No "crawlspace" hiding, either. That's a survival tactic for the disarmed.

Here's my comment in full, in case it gets reported as "offensive," which, face it, is what I was trying to be.

By: David Codrea on 3/02/2009 2:35PM

"Look, those of you who read me regularly, know how much I HATE guns. The very concept of handling a device that is actually designed for the sole purpose of ending a human life, I find abhorrent."

So are you going to send someone else who doesn't have such qualms to die in the civil war your little gun control scheme will start?

I mean, really--what do you do if some of us say "No"?

We will not disarm.

Are you willing to engage in battle and die for your beliefs--or do you expect others will handle the messy part for you?

You're unworthy of the sacrifice men like the Deacons for Defense and Justice made on behalf of Freedom.

I don't expect you to learn from men like Roy Innis--you're one of those self-important fools who thinks he's qualified to teach but in fact is too dull to learn.

Continue being a tool for Massah Uncle Sam's Plantation, you disgusting coward, you willing slave.

[Via Bruce W. Krafft]

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