Strike From Space? -- The Washington Times
Russian Maj. Gen. Leonid Shershnev surprised us Tuesday with his strange charge that the United States had engineered the collision between America's Iridium 33 and Russia's Cosmos 2251 satellites over Siberia on Feb. 10. More shockingly, Russia's deputy defense minister, Gen. Valentin Popovkin, said Thursday that Russia was working on anti-satellite technology and already had the "basic, key elements" of such weapons.
One certainty we remember from the Cold War: Whatever Russia accuses us of doing, it is, in fact, doing itself. That makes us wonder whether the Russians really did down an American satellite last month. Is this the long awaited "test" of our new president that Vice President Biden warned of?
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My Comment: It has been a month since this collision occurred ... and the story is breaking now? Unfortunately, details and additional information will probably never be released .... which is "too bad" because additional information may answer some questions that would deflate any "conspiracy" theories.
One must also face the fact that the political objectives for both Russia and the U.S. is to now pursue a policy of rapprochement. Telling the world that the Russians deliberately shot down an American satellite would only inflame the situation.