From DoD Buzz:
The Pentagon is likely to take the rare action of adding a new combatant commander, this one for cyber warfare. COCOMs, as they are known, are the four-star generals who actually plan and fight the nation’s wars. The Joint Chiefs, comprised of the service heads, have no combat authority. They train, prepare and equip the nation’s warriors.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been considering the idea of a cyber COCOMs for months and several senior cyberwarfare officials said he is likely to move on this soon after the White House finishes a 60-day study underway on the major policy, strategic, organizational and operational issues facing the country when it comes to cyber war and cyber security.
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My Comment: It is about time. Networks and their computer platforms are becoming more and more important on the battlefield. But when one examines what is being developed, you cannot help but feel that these new technologies will completely revolutionize how future conflicts will be fought.