Clinton Travels To A Hardened Israel -- Christian Science Monitor
On Syria, Iran, and a Palestinian state, Israel's new leadership disagrees with the Obama administration.
JERUSALEM - Embarking on her first trip to the region as secretary of State, Hillary Clinton pledged that the Obama administration will unshakably support Israel's security and vigorously pursue the creation of a Palestinian state.
That's not substantially different from Washington's stated Middle East policy in recent years. But Mrs. Clinton is likely to find herself and US policy at loggerheads with the new government of Israel, soon to be headed by the conservative Likud leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.
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More News On Sec. of State Clinton's Trip To The Middle East
Leaders pledge billions to rebuild Gaza -- The Age
Clinton criticizes Israel over East Jerusalem demolition -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Hillary Clinton warns Israel over settlements and house demolitions -- Times Online
Clinton Tells Israel Two-State Solution Inevitable -- Voice of America
Clinton: US Israel Support 'Unshakeable' -- BBC News
Clinton speaks up for Abbas, and aid for Gaza -- AP
Clinton visit: In a West Bank café, Palestinians ask how much will change -- Christian Science Monitor
Clinton meets Palestinian leaders -- Al Ajzeera
US to Send Envoys to Syria -- Voice of America
Clinton criticizes Iran as a threat in the Mideast -- Yahoo News/AP
US to Send Envoys to Syria -- Los Angeles Times
Hillary Clinton Sends US Envoys to Syria -- Daily Telegraph
Syria Talks Signal New Direction for US -- New York Times
Clinton Signals Change in US Approach to Syria -- Toronto Star