(Abd Raouf/The Associated Press)
Obama Starts 'Urgent Review' of U.S. Policy Toward Sudan -- Wall Street Journal
President Barack Obama has launched a "high-level, urgent review" of U.S. policy toward Sudan that will consider whether the U.S. should re-examine joining the International Criminal Court, which the Bush administration had emphatically rejected, a senior White House official said Wednesday. A policy decision should be ready "within weeks."
Mr. Obama campaigned hard on toughening U.S. policy toward Sudan and bringing an end to the fighting in Darfur, which he called genocide. As a senator, Mr. Obama visited Darfurian refugee camps in Chad in 2006 and identified the issue as a priority. The administration's reticent response Wednesday to the ICC's warrants for the arrest of Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir was not meant to convey any slackening of the president's position, but the president did not want to respond to developments in Sudan before a broader framework could be unveiled, the official said.
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More News On Sudan
Sudan Ousts Aid Groups After Court Pursues President -- Washington Post
Sudan expels aid agencies, defies Hague court -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Sudan Expels Aid Groups After Arrest Warrant - Associated Press
ICC Charges Sudan President With War Crimes -- Voice of America
Sudan's president says warrant is conspiracy -- Yahoo News/AP
Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Sudan’s Leader -- New York Times
Sudan leader defies arrest order on war crimes charges -- International Herald Tribune
Sudan's President Wanted for War Crimes -- Toronto Star
Beshir lashes out at West as fears mount for Darfur -- Yahoo News/AFP
Fears of New Slaughter After Sudan Charges - The Times
ICC Charges Sudan President with War Crimes - Los Angeles Times
Bashir Defies Arrest Warrant - Washington Times
Sudan's Leader Shuts Down Aid Groups -- Time Magazine
In Darfur, Street Protests over Bashir Arrest Warrant - Christian Science Monitor
After Bashir warrant, Sudan united in protest -- Daily Nation
Court Issues War Crimes Warrant for Sudan's Bashir - Associated Press
UN official slams Bashir warrant -- The Times
Warrant Issued for Sudanese Leader - Agence France-Presse
US Supports Accountability for Darfur Crimes - Voice of America
Arrest Warrant Draws Sudan Scorn - BBC News
Sudan ruling: Darfur at a glance -- LA Times
Hold the Handcuffs -- Washington Post editorial
War crimes warrant for Bashir risks sparking unrest in Sudan -- Christian Science Monitor
Fugitive al-Bashir -- The Times editorial
What now for Bashir? -- The Guardian
Grounding Sudan's Killers -- Washington Post opinion
A President, a Boy and Genocide -- New York Times opinion