According to a minute entry, Gottsfield concluded that evidence against Iknadosian was not sufficient to support conviction based on a technical legal issue. Because the gun buyers all were eligible to acquire firearms, he said, their deception did not amount to a "material falsification." Consequently, Gottsfield ruled, the evidence did not show felonious conduct by Iknadosian. [More]So requiring purchasers to submit to required mandated background checks and jumping through all the hoops before completing their transactions is "a technical legal issue"? Y'know, if you're going to get in this much trouble for leaving a record trail of compliance, doesn't that create a powerful incentive to just go off the books altogether?
Hey, I wonder if he could get me some full autos and grenades I hear are all the rage in border area gun stores?
Gosh, all this hoop-de-doo--and when they get a guy, they can't even keep him!
[Via Chris K]
UPDATE: Vanderboegh has more.