From New Wars:
One final time this week we return to the NY Times Oped by Marine Paul Kane which proposed scrapping the US Air Force, turning over its assets and mission to the Marines and the Navy. Whatever the merits of the proposal or lack of, a close look at Sec Gates 2010 defense budget reveals we may be seeing the demise of the separate air service anyway. Loren Thompson’s breaks down the figures for us:
Gates wants to end production of the only long-range airlifter currently being built, the C-17, at 205 planes… Also, Gates is increasing the size of ground forces that would use airlifters by 92,000 personnel while expanding operations in Africa. Nonetheless, he decided to terminate C-17 without completing a new mobility study.
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My Comment: More debate and discussion on the need for having an Air Force .... an academic discussion because it is never going to happen.