From The New York Times:
BAGHDAD — The United States and Iraq will begin negotiating possible exceptions to the June 30 deadline for withdrawing American combat troops from Iraqi cities, focusing on the troubled northern city of Mosul, according to military officials. Some parts of Baghdad also will still have combat troops.
Everywhere else, the withdrawal of United States combat troops from all Iraqi cities and towns is on schedule to finish by the June 30 deadline, and in many cases even earlier. But because of the level of insurgent activity in Mosul, United States and Iraqi military officials will meet Monday to decide whether to consider the city an exception to the deadline in the Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, between the countries.
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My Comment: What a difference a day makes. Yesterday the Iraqis were screaming that U.S. soldiers involved in a raid should be arrested for breaching the U.S. - Iraq Security Agreement. Today .... cough cough .... we need exceptions to this agreement.
Expect more schizophrenic behavior in the next few weeks/months.
Update: Iraq wants US forces out of Mosul on time -- AP