Grisly Slayings Brings Mexican Drug War To US

Photo: Atlanta is becoming a major hub of operation for Mexican drug cartels. Federal agents say the same traits that attract legitimate businesses to Atlanta also attract drug lords.

From The AP:

COLUMBIANA, Ala. (AP) — Five men dead in an apartment. In a county that might see five homicides in an entire year, the call over the sheriff's radio revealed little about what awaited law enforcement at a sprawling apartment complex.

A type of crime, and criminal, once foreign to this landscape of blooming dogwoods had arrived in Shelby County. Sheriff Chris Curry felt it even before he laid eyes on the grisly scene. He called the state. The FBI. The DEA. Anyone he could think of.

"I don't know what I've got," he warned them. "But I'm gonna need help."

The five dead men lay scattered about the living room of one apartment in a complex of hundreds.

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My Comment: Only 2% of the American population are dependent on drugs .... but the billions of dollars, the crime, and a high prison population are all tied into this trade. Throw in a major civil war over drugs .... a civil war that is on a par with what is happening in Mexico .... the costs become astronomical.

A major rethink in law enforcement and strategy is now necessary.

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