North Korea's Missile Test -- News Updates For April 6, 2009

Analysts Say N. Korean Rocket Not A Total Failure -- Yahoo News/AP

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea's rocket may have fallen into the sea, but military experts cautioned Monday against calling it a complete failure, noting that it traveled twice as far as any missile the country has launched.

Although the distance was still far short of showing North Korea could reach U.S. territory, it rattled the North's neighbors and countries around the globe, with the U.S. and its allies pushing for quick punishment at an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting held hours after liftoff.

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More News On The Aftermath Of North Korea's Missile Test

North Korean Missile Launch Was a Failure, Experts Say -- New York Times
N. Korea Rocket Fizzles, US Says; Obama Urges Action -- Associated Press
Failed Test Yields Breathing Room -- Washington Times
N. Korea Shows Progress in Mastering Missile Technology -- Los Angeles Times
Japan says DPRK satellite unconfirmed, ends interception order -- China View
North Korea’s Missile Capability Improves -- Korea Times
US wants 'clear', 'strong' UN response to NKorea -- AP
U.N. divided on North Korea launch -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Security Council Adjourns Without Response to Rocket Launch - VOA
UN Security Council Fails to Agree on N. Korea Reaction - Los Angeles Times
UN fails to agree response on NKorea launch -- AFP
UN Delays Korean Rocket Response - Washington Times
New Sanctions Considered Against North Korea After Missile Launch -- Wall Street Journal
North Korea Missile Draws Global Protest -- Wall Street Journal
UN Leader Denounces North Korean Missile Launch -- U.S. Department of Defense
Japan: North Korean Launch a Provocative Act -- Voice of America
After Launch, Obama Focuses On Disarmament -- Washington Post
North Korea Rocket Puts Obama on Nuclear Alert -- The Times
North Korea Launch Seen As Testing Obama's Mettle -- U.S. News And World Report
Obama Condemns North Korean Missile Launch -- U.S. Department of Defense
Obama: North Korean Missile Launch ‘Creates Instability’ -- U.S. Department of Defense
McCain Urges Punitive Sanctions for North Korean Rocket Launch -- Voice Of America
North Korea's Rocket Launch: The Fallout -- Los Angeles Times
North Korea's rocket didn't reach orbit, but Kim's in another world -- L.A. Times
North Korea Kim Jong-il's fortunes soar on rocket -- Reuters


Obama Said N. Korea 'Broke the Rules.' Now What? -- Christian Science Monitor
The Song of Kim Jong Il -- Wall Street Journal editorial
Fizzled rocket a North Korean triumph -- Toronto Star
N. Korea's Challenge for Obama -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
North Korea Complicates Maiden Trip -- The Guardian
A Direct Challenge to Obama -- Washington Times editorial
The Song of Kim Jong Il -- Wall Street Journal editorial
Obama's NK Reaction: More Talks -- Wall Street Journal opinion
North Korea Rocket Stirs Hawks -- The Nation

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