From Yahoo News/AP:
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama invoked Christian and Jewish holidays on Saturday to urge nations to confront together the challenges he saw firsthand during last week's marathon trip to Europe.
Obama said no single nation can solve the problems stemming from the financial meltdown, climate change and nuclear weapons. Fresh from his first trip overseas as president, Obama asked Americans — and a global audience — to focus on areas of common interest instead of differences.
Read more ....
Update: North Korea Crisis Tests Obama Administration's Reliance on U.N. -- FOX News/Wall Street Journal
My Comment: The early sign is that this multi-lateral approach towards solving global problems is failing .... and failing miserably. Arguments that this will take time .... and that we must be patient .... does not fly with this blogger who now sees the exact opposite happening.
North Korea is a case in point. The diplomacy of Hillary Clinton before the launch and the subsequent involvement of the U.S. with the U.N. after the missile test has produced nothing but only more hostility from North Korea itself, greater support of North Korea from China and Russia, and the dissing of our long term allies like Japan and South Korea.
This is not coopertaion on global threats .... this is a breakdown of U.S. alliances that have served us and our allies well to confront the global threats that have arose these past few decades. What it is now being replaced with is uncomfortable and dangerous to the extreme.