From Yahoo News/AP:
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia on Tuesday accused the United States of stepping up plans to install an anti-missile system in Europe, according to Interfax news agency.
The comments from Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov mark a sharper tone from Moscow after a series of conciliatory comments on U.S. plans to deploy elements of the system in Central Europe.
Moscow said it had hoped the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama would revise plans initiated under former President George W. Bush to construct the system and welcomed calls initiated by the U.S. side to "reset" relations.
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My Comment: This U.S. European missile defense program is targeted against Iranian missile and nuclear developments. But of course .... the Russian Government does now see things like this, and in fact regards the Iranian threat as a minor distraction.
This is the problem with U.S. - Russian relations at the moment. What the U.S. see as threats ... Russia does not. Unfortunately .... this mindset is not going to change in the foreseeable future.