Torture and the CIA: Laid out in the light -- The Economist
Memos on CIA interrogation methods have been published. Could prosecutions for torture follow?
“WE HAVE been through a dark and painful chapter in our history,” said Barack Obama on Thursday April 16th, as he released memos issued by the Office of Legal Counsel during the previous administration. Dark indeed. The memos lay out, in bland legalese, the reasoning that led Bush administration lawyers to approve the Central Intelligence Agency’s use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”, which are commonly held to be torture.
Mr Obama had apparently been mulling for weeks whether to release the memos. In a thoughtful statement he said that America has a right to a certain amount of secrecy in its national-security operations. In this case, however, the techniques described have already been well reported and documented. As important, the practices have been ended. Thus full transparency was best.
Read more ....
UPDATE: The actual memos are HERE.
More News On The CIA And The Release Of The Torture Memos
Obama statement on release of torture memos -- AP
Statement by the Director of National Intelligence -- New York Times
C.I.A. Memos Could Bring More Disclosures -- New York Times
Memos Shed Light on CIA Interrogation Practices -- Voice Of America
Obama Criticized Over CIA Decision -- Time Magazine
Former Bush Officials Warn Against Release of Legal Memos on Interrogation -- FOX News
Torture techniques endorsed by the Bush administration -- The Guardian
'Torture memos' embolden Dems -- Politico
CIA objections slowed torture memos release -- Yahoo News/AP
Bipartisan “Encouragement” for Tough Interrogations -- Commentary Magazine
These papers raise as many questions as they answer -- The Independent