From Foreign Policy Blog:
An Air Force pilot explains why he found the rise of counterinsurgency specialists in the U.S. military over the last couple of years personally and professionally reassuring:
My love affair with the COIN community began when the dissidents took over the Iraq war, and I realized they actually knew what they were doing. After years of growing disillusionment with some of my leaders, I finally found a community of competent, intelligent military professionals I could trust. I can't overstate how important that was to me personally. Over the past year I've been drawn deeper and deeper into the COIN community. I follow its blogs, read its recommended books, and study the debates among of its members. The contributions of this community are extraordinary and I am constantly learning from it.
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For more info: A Conversation With David Kilcullen -- Washington Post
My Comment: I am personally more focused on how new technology developments being introduced to the war theater can impact