From Yahoo Tech/AP:
Wanted: Computer hackers.
Buffeted by millions of digital scans and attacks each day, federal authorities are looking for hackers — not to prosecute them, but to pay them to secure the nation's networks.
General Dynamics Information Technology put out an ad last month on behalf of the Homeland Security Department seeking someone who could "think like the bad guy." Applicants, it said, must understand hackers' tools and tactics and be able to analyze Internet traffic and identify vulnerabilities in the federal systems.
And in the Pentagon's budget request submitted last week, Defense Secretary Robert Gates hung out his own help-wanted sign, saying the Pentagon will increase the number of cyber experts it can train each year from 80 to 250 by 2011.
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My Comment: The best hackers will never work in a regimented atmosphere that I am sure the Government will provide. The two cultures are antithesis to each other. Besides .... the pay is probably lousy.
A good summary on the history of hacking is at "Where Is My Mind?"