From The Jamestown Foundation:
Crowds of young rioters overran, ransacked, and set on fire the presidential and parliament buildings in Moldova's capital Chisinau on April 7. This outbreak may serve to embolden radical groups in Georgia on the eve of their April 9 demonstration, the declared goal of which is to force a change of government in Tbilisi.
Political violence was deemed unthinkable in Moldova until now. The nominally Communist Party won the parliamentary elections for the third consecutive time on April 5 -this time with 49.5 percent of the votes cast- in a balloting assessed positively overall by Western observers and international organizations (EDM, April 7).
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More News On The Protests In Moldova
Arrests, crackdowns follow ‘Twitter revolution’ -- France 24
Tensions grow over Moldova clashes -- Financial Times
Moldovan PM warns of new riots, casualties -- Reuters
Moldova on the brink -- Moscow News
Facebook, Twitter help Moldova protester organize demonstrations -- Deutsche Welle
Twittering about a revolution -- Moscow News