Officials say Hamas and Fatah no nearer to reconciliation.
Hamas chiefs make first public show since Gaza war.
U.S. envoy to press Israel on two-state solution with Palestinians
Army ambush puts spotlight on Lebanon's Wild West.
Dig 'may reveal' Cleopatra's tomb.
Afghan earthquakes kill 21, destroy homes.
Australia: Navy crew warned of high threat as another asylum boat arrives.
Bangladesh on alert for cyclone. Cyclone hits Bangladesh; thousands ordered out.
Afghan Shia cleric defends law said to legalise marital rape.
Millions of Indians go to polls.
US sending top envoy to Somali conference.
Warrant for Madagascar ex-leader.
Togo displays 'coup plot arsenal'.
Nations look to Kenya as venue for piracy trials.
West Africa faces 'megadroughts'.
Is South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe?
Russia's 'short victorious war' in Chechnya is over - for now. Chechnya move worries Russian press.
Russia's Medvedev warns NATO over Georgia war games.
Sarkozy insults Obama, Merkel, Zapatero.
Bolivia: Police 'stop attempt on Morales'.
Colombia's ELN asks FARC for ceasefire.
Obama pledges help to slow US arms flow to Mexican drug dealers.
Trial begins of Pakistan suspect in Mumbai attacks.
Terrorists using Internet as a weapon: experts.
British Tamil leader convicted of terrorism charges.
Al-Qaeda prepares terrorist attacks in Russia.
Spain: No torture probe of US officials.
Stress tests deepen headache for Obama.
IMF warns over parallels to Great Depression.