US Disputes Afghan Civilian Casualty Figures -- Yahoo News/AP
KABUL – The U.S. military said Wednesday at least 20 civilians and 60 insurgents died in a recent U.S.-Taliban clash earlier this month, contradicting the Afghan government's assertion that 140 civilians were killed.
Another airstrike by NATO-led forces killed eight Afghan civilians following a battle with militants in southern Helmand province on Tuesday, where Afghan troops also killed 25 militants, officials said.
On Wednesday, a roadside bomb near Kabul killed two Americans — one service member and a civilian, the U.S. military said.
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More News On The Afghan War
U.S. Rejects Afghan Civilian Death Estimate -- New York Times
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US: American service member killed in Afghanistan -- AP
NATO: Airstrike Kills 8 Afghan Civilians -- Voice of America
Air strike kills civilians in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP
FACTBOX-Security developments in Afghanistan, May 20 -- Reuters
Arms Sent by U.S. May Be Falling Into Taliban Hands -- New York Times
Arming the Enemy in Afghanistan -- Slate
U.S. military probes Blackwater Kabul killing -- Washington Post
Shades of Iraq, millions spent in Afghanistan lack adequate oversight -- Christian Science Monitor
US audit faults security spending in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP
Bibles Destroyed in Afghanistan... By U.S. Military -- ABC News
Take the War to the Drug Lords -- New York Times
Khalilzad Said to Be in Talks With Karzai -- Washington post
Mullen: 2 years to turn tide in Afghanistan -- AP
FACTBOX-Military deaths in Afghanistan -- Reuters