Picking Up The Pieces From Afghanistan's War -- Yahoo News/AP
ALAH SAY VALLEY, Afghanistan (Reuters) – U.S. gunners scanned a lush Afghan valley from their helicopter, as a small white van containing a badly burned baby inched toward another Black Hawk waiting at the army outpost far below.
Eight soldiers had flown into the heart of hostile eastern Afghanistan, in a convoy of one air ambulance and one "chase" helicopter for protection, to collect 18-month-old Amanullah who knocked a pot of scalding water over his legs, penis and scrotum.
The screaming baby is part of a mission to show Afghans that the presence of foreign troops and aircraft can bring more than Taliban attacks, at a time of mounting public anger about civilian deaths from air strikes by coalition forces.
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My Comment: These life saving deeds can only have a positive impact on the families who are helped, and on the soldiers who are helping.