‘Incompetent’ Navy Wastes Money -- DoD Buzz
UK to review combat ban for female troops -- Yahoo News/AP:
Army Delays in Body Armor Testing -- Captain's Quarters
The New Rules: Navy Finally Embracing Role in Small Wars -- World Politics Review
Only one submarine left to defend Australia --
UK to review combat ban for female troops -- Yahoo News/AP:
Army Delays in Body Armor Testing -- Captain's Quarters
The New Rules: Navy Finally Embracing Role in Small Wars -- World Politics Review
Only one submarine left to defend Australia --
Navy cuts mean less maritime security -- Defense Management
Iran stops funding for Russian MiG-31E Interceptor sale to Syria -- Debka File
China Outlaws Cyber Crime -- Strategy Page
Schwartz: Crews will operate multiple UAVs -- Air Force Times
A-10 = Terminator-Killer -- War Is Boring
Army Delays in Body Armor Testing -- Captain's Quarters
The New Rules: Navy Finally Embracing Role in Small Wars -- World Politics Review
Only one submarine left to defend Australia --
Navy cuts mean less maritime security -- Defense Management
Iran stops funding for Russian MiG-31E Interceptor sale to Syria -- Debka File
China Outlaws Cyber Crime -- Strategy Page
Schwartz: Crews will operate multiple UAVs -- Air Force Times
A-10 = Terminator-Killer -- War Is Boring