Drinking water which contains the element lithium may reduce the risk of suicide, a Japanese study suggests...See, once we have you numbed down with Soma, everything will be alright. And we won't even have to worry about the psychopharmaceutical/shooting spree nexus, because, well, we're going to be just like Japan, silly.
In an accompanying editorial, Professor Allan Young of Vancouver's Institute for Mental Health said "this intriguing data should provoke further research. [More]
See, the government isn't against all mind-altering drugs--just the ones that disrupt control.
And don't worry--once we're ready for mass implementation, we'll have all the mechanisms in place--along with an obedient media--to ridicule anyone who objects as a fluoridation paranoid.
And don't look for Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to block it because of no "environmental impact study."